Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Student Association

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SA discussed finals week and approvals for club requests

By Katie Kallamni As finals week approaches, the Learning Center will extend to 24 hours open from Dec. 10 through Dec. 16. The Student Association will be providing coffee and tea most evenings throughout finals week. In other SA news, the...

SA reveals Plattsburgh Next Plan

By Katie Kallamni The Student Association has announced the Plattsburgh Next Plan, a strategic plan rooted in Plattsburgh’s history, mission, and values, while positioning the college to evolve and move toward a positive future. Plattsburgh Next’s goal is to prioritize the...

Festival of lights celebrated

Katie Kallamni Starting Nov. 11, the SUNY Plattsburgh Theater Department will present Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town.” This new and modern interpretation of the classic play features translations into Spanish by playwright Nilo Cruz and celebrates the fictional town of Grover’s...

SA approves financial aid

Katie Kallamni As the fall semester is nearly completed, the spring semester calendar is being made “with more events and trips planned for students,” Student Association Senator Linette Linares said. The SA Memorial Scholarship was approved for next semester for...

University rep. approved

Katie Kallamni In the Student Association Senate meeting Sept. 27, Michael Casey, University Representative candidate,  joined via Zoom to speak on his behalf to get approved for the spot as University College Representative of SUNY Student Assembly.  Casey is a junior...

SA brings in new members

Katie Kallamni At the Student Association meeting Sept. 22, Marileana Rodriguez was unanimously voted in as Co-Chair of Activities Board for Special Events. She attended the meeting and spoke on her own behalf. Harrison Gereau was voted in as a...

SA discusses high textbook costs

Adeeb Chowdhury The SA meeting April 28 saw a presentation and discussion regarding an issue most students are all too familiar with — the excessive costs of college textbooks. Senior Assistant Librarian Malina Thiede of the Feinberg Library and Open Educational...

2021-22 SA budget revealed

Adeeb Chowdhury The Student Association budget for the 2021-22 academic year was presented during the meeting April 14, reflecting more optimistic albeit cautious expectations of what to expect next year. “Coming up with this budget was actually difficult in some ways,”...

Tech fee increase proposed for next year

Adeeb Chowdhury Proposals for an increased 2021-22 Educational Technology fee as well as the optional Green Fee were presented during the SA meeting March 13. Dean of Library and Information Technology Services Holly Heller-Ross, presented the proposal for the 2021-22 Educational...

SA held a special meeting on Mandatory Fee

by Adeeb Chowdhury The SA held a special meeting March 11 to vote on a re-introduced bill to set the 2021-22 SA fee to $95, after the same bill had failed to pass earlier in the month. The SA mandatory fee...
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