Thursday, March 6, 2025

SA funds Black Onyx pageant event, $2,600

By Olivia Bousquet

The Student Association held its weekly meeting March 23, but without much to discuss on the agenda. 

The biggest financial request for the meeting was from Black Onyx for its eighth annual pageant. The two representative members of the club requested $50 toward meeting refreshments and $2,550 for the pageant. 

The Masquerade pageant is $7 for SA members and $8 for non-SA members. The doors to the Angell College Center ballrooms open at 6:30 p.m. April 1. Winners of the pageant will receive a financial prize from the club, and there will be $25 prizes for audience members to potentially win. 

According to the representatives, the club has been promoting the event for a month and expect a good turnout, but didn’t have specific numbers of people that purchased tickets at the time. The SA senate unanimously voted on the approval of $2,600 for the event.

At the SA meeting before Spring Break, the senate tabled a financial decision to the meeting after break. The Council for Exceptional Children requested $575 to help pay for conference travel expenses. The president and treasurer of the club said the Albany conference is for students that will have mock parent-teacher conferences, book discussions and presentations. All members of its board will be presenting for the conference from April 8 to April 9. 

The event was tabled because “the treasurer did not attend and the public relations chair could not speak confidently on their budget,” according to the previous Cardinal Points article. While the treasurer was present, no budgetary questions were asked to the CEC board members. It was noted that the requested money was based on hotel pricing in the area and 25 cents per mile for gas. 

The senate voted and approved of the $575 request to help cover conference expenses. 

In other SA news, senators reported what they individually worked on throughout the week. Senator Mac-Olivier Lalanne discussed making tampons more available to students on campus and will be following up with more details soon. 

Senator Carter Mosher noted that the Bamboo Novelty event was postponed because supplies for the event are in a shortage. However, he hopes to reschedule the event for the future. 

Senator Meklit Mulualem said the finance board approved of two additional allocations for two club events, which events were not specified. The first event was for $2,600, and the second was for $165. 

Senator Osamuyimen Omorogbe-Akpata noted that advertising for the election would begin March 24, which is when candidates can start campaigning to the student body. 

To end the meeting with an advisor report, it was announced that Steve Matthews would be the new advisor in the Fall 2022 semester, and he will be attending SA meetings for the rest of the semester when possible.

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