Sunday, October 27, 2024

Weekly Tarot Reading

River Ashe

This week’s reading comes from the Kuan Yin Oracle deck by Alana Fairchild. This Eastern-themed deck is full of stunning art by Zeng Hao, depicting multiple interpretations of the divine feminine and objects representing her. The cards themselves are gentle and aim to inspire feelings of hope and self-love.

All card meanings have been interpreted from the guidebook sold with the cards.

Aquarius (Jan. 20—Feb. 18) pulled Dance of the Butterfly Queen. You have been alone and struggling, and this week you are encouraged to reach out and seek help. Compassion from others will be a breath of fresh air and a welcome change, so don’t worry about whether you look “weak.” “Surrender false notions that allowing others to assist you is dependency,” the guidebook said.

Pisces (Feb. 19—March 20) drew Sisters of the Sun Rising. Collaboration of some kind is in the cards for you this week, and the anxiety that your voice will not be heard. Trust your instincts and speak up for yourself; do not let your intellect be hidden. “You don’t need to compromise. You need to honor your boundaries and the boundaries of others,” the booklet advised.

Aries (March 21—April 19) pulled Call of the Dancing Crane. You are stuck in a habit or pattern that has become troublesome or worn out, and are being called to change it. This card says that habits are only as strong as you believe them to be, and breaking free is both possible and admissible; “You are allowed to change them!” Fairchild wrote.

Taurus (April 20—May 20) drew Mother Fierce. You have been making a lot of progress on your journey of spiritual growth, and some people may feel threatened by that. Don’t worry— they are on their own journeys, and you are too. “The healing for you is in how you choose to shine and not be diminished by the healing process of another,” the guidebook said.

Gemini (May 21—June 20) pulled The Tao. You have been or will be faced with a problem that seems impossible to solve or a situation that seems impossible to get out of. Instead of trying to force your way around it, be patient and let the answer come freely with time. “The Tao flows through all situations and presents natural solutions, no matter how unsolvable those situations may appear to be,” the author noted.

Cancer (June 21—July 22) drew Sweeping Sister Willow. This week, you will need to practice the art of forgiveness. Regardless of what happened, holding onto negativity will only drag you down. This does not mean that you must forget the event or the lesson it taught you. “This oracle indicates that you are in the process of forgiving others, and that you also need to remember to forgive yourself for being human and needing to learn and grow,” the guidebook stated.

Leo (July 23—Aug. 22) pulled Orchid Priestess of Destiny. You are at the point in your personal journey when thinking critically and thinking for yourself are key to becoming who you need to be. “That means it is time to unplug from mass consciousness at a deeper level than ever before to really let go of the beliefs and thought forms that do not serve your highest destiny, no matter how unchallengeable they may seem to be at first,” Fairchild said.

Virgo (Aug. 23—Sept. 22) drew Reveal the Peacock Beauty. You will feel a strong urge to create something this week, or receive inspiration to work on something already in progress. Embrace this feeling with open arms and create according to what your heart desires. “There is a stirring within you to create greater beauty in your life, to honor the creative ability you have to express such sublime feelings that reside within you,” the guidebook said.

Libra (Sept. 23—Oct. 22) pulled Immortal Treasures. You are a wonderful person determined to heal and help those around you, but you have been neglecting your own physical and emotional needs. This card is asking you to take time for yourself and breathe. “An empty cup cannot fill another,” Fairchild stated.

Scorpio (Oct. 23—Nov. 21) drew The Dance Unveiling. There are things happening in your life this week that may seem too good to be true, or become muddled. Be careful not to jump into something until you know the long-term situation. “Don’t rush to set things in motion, to form a structure or even to make things concrete until you have had a chance to be clearer about the situation or process,” the author advised.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22—Dec. 21) pulled Many Hands of the Goddess. You are working on a lot all at once and are beginning to burn out. Take a step back, take a breath, and allow yourself to relax. “In the rest, you will replenish, gain new perspective and return to your creative work more productive,” the guidebook wrote.

Capricorn (Dec. 22—Jan. 19) drew Nectar of the Lotus. You have been so focused on helping other people that you have forgotten to keep tabs on your mental and emotional energy. This card calls for you to put limits on the energy you give to others to make sure you have enough for yourself. “They could be a sign that our mind and emotional life could use some help shifting from scarcity consciousness into a consciousness of abundance,” Fairchild wrote.


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