Saturday, February 15, 2025

Student Association Grants funds

When the Chinese Association amended their request of $875 to $1350 for an annual event, some senators were wanting to preserve the additional allocations fund.


The club is hosting a dinner in Algonquin Hall later in the semester in order to celebrate Chinese culture connected with food. The additional $475 comes from costs associated with paying Algonquin employees and building services.


Club President Renee Choong explained the additional money will be repaid to the Student Association once tickets are sold. The club is projecting to have an attendance of 80. With 80 tickets sold at $6 each, the revenue will cover the additional funds requested.


In the end, with one vote keeping the supermajority, the Chinese Association earned approval for the event with the extra funds.


African Initiative, led by President Rana Hijazi, received permanent club status. The club focuses on “bridging the gap” between PSUC student and African communities. Last semester without funding, the club raised money for a cancer research non-governmental organization in Uganda.


They hope that by receiving permanent club status, they will be able to host more events raising awareness of hardships in African communities while reducing stereotypes.


“We want to eradicate the idea the idea that Africa needs help,” Hijazi said.


This semester, the club is planning to host a bone healer, or spiritual healer, from New York City who was originally from Uganda. To pursue their mission, African Initiative is collaborating with clubs in order to make connections to the content.


The Planned Parenthood Generation club received permanent status. The club works in conjunction with Plattsburgh Planned Parenthood to educate students on the center’s services regarding sexual health, hosting educational programs regarding sexual health and answering student questions during their semi-weekly tabling sessions.


In other events, the National Black Law Student Association was denied up to $135 dollars for club apparel. Every club recognized by the SA receives $15, the apparel the club is requesting for costs more than $30.


The SA holds its weekly meeting every Wednesday at 9:15 p.m. in the Cardinal Lounge of the Angell College Center.   


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