Friday, March 28, 2025

SA OKs 2 funds for 1 trip

By Abigail Passafiume


The Student Association approved $1,000 in funding to the Accounting & Finance Association and $1,000 to the Student Managed Investment Fund for their annual joint educational trip to New York City over April 10 to 12.

The three day trip allows up to 24 students to visit and experience what it’s like working in accounting and Wall Street financial firms and is rich with professional experience and networking opportunities. 

The Accounting & Finance Association and Student Managed Investment Fund, although partnering on this trip, asked for two separate funding proposals to cover as much of the trip as possible. 

Arshita Pandey, president of the Accounting & Finance Association was able to discuss the benefits of attending the trip along with the club’s secretary, Heidi Yanqui. 

“We get to talk with alumni from the college and connect with them. We also get to talk with other people not associated with SUNY Plattsburgh and make a lasting impression on them,” Pandey said. 

The trip will include group workshops, tours of different firms in New York City such as Clearbridge and Templeton Investments, and the opportunity to explore the World Trade Center. There will also be time for career advice with SUNY Plattsburgh alumni and other professionals.

“For many of us, these experiences are unique opportunities that could decisively shape our future careers,” said Yanqui. 

The trip is offered to all majors and years, not just students in business and finance. There are currently over 30 students interested in attending the trip that range in class from first-year to senior. 

Although the club plans extensively for the trip, it is not their only focus. The Accounting & Finance Association also holds presentations, fundraisers and interactive meetings for the entire student body to attend. Some examples of this have been teaching credit card responsibility and how to dress appropriately, yet still fashionably in the corporate world. 

“We’ve done fundraisers for the trip because I understand that the SA is running low on funds for student clubs, we are also doing events like Jeopardy and other interactive things like that,” Pandey said. 

Although so many students are interested in this trip, in the future it might be necessary to lower the number of attendees to lower the price due to minimal funding. 

“It’s historically a tradition for us to go with 22 or 24 students, but having said that it’s definitely something we can consider in the future because that would obviously bring down the cost a lot,” Pandey said. 

The Accounting & Finance Association was approved for $1,000 in funding towards the New York City trip. 

The Student Managed Investment Fund President, Keaton Fox, also had the opportunity to explain why this trip is so important to the club as well as our student body. 

“Connecting with alumni, getting new contacts, receiving information about interviewing and hearing how people got started in their careers is definitely helpful,” Fox said. 

Fox also highlights the value of the trip being in New York City.

“It’s really important to go on trips like this to really be immersed in the culture. Going to the New York Stock Exchange is not something a lot of people get to do and if you are considering working there, what better way to figure out what you want to do than getting to visit in person,” 

The Student Managed Investment Fund was approved for an additional $1,000 in funding towards the New York City trip.


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