Sunday, February 23, 2025

SA hears rising mandatory fees

Mandatory intercollegiate athletic fee will increase $8.50 in the coming semester due to an increase in multiple costs and a decrease in student enrollment at Plattsburgh State. 

Director of Athletics Mike Howard presented to the Student Association on Wednesday explaining the need for the increase. Most of the costs, Howard explained, are transportation and hotel cost, hiring officials at games and student employment. However, some money is being raised through fundraisers and student athlete contributions. 

“We’re being creative about travel,” Howard said in his presentation. 

Some of the simple solutions include smarter travel to reduce overnights in hotels, as well as packing athletes into hotel rooms up to three or four per room. 

Currently, the funding is “bare bones” Howard said. Most funding for a sports team’s special events are raised by team fundraisers and not directly funded from the athletic department. 

Currently, the mandatory intercollegiate fee is $223.50 which every student pays semesterly. In the fall 2019 the semester, it will be increased to $232.

Also on Wednesday, Brian Hartman, vice president of student affairs, and Tobi Hay, interim director of the Career Development Center, presented on the mandatory CDC fees being moved under the broad based fee category to consolidate charges. There is no change from the students perspective. 

Dance Corps was approved $400 for its annual spring event. This money will go toward paying tech workers in the E. Glenn Giltz Auditorium now that New York State minimum wage has increased from $10.40 to $11.10. 

Campus Garden Club and Botany Club were approved for $315 for a day trip to the Montréal Botanical Garden. The money will go toward parking, metro passes and food for the 32 attendees. 

KINKS was approved for $450 for annual hair show which will be themed after the four elements this year. 

Planned Parenthood Generation Club received $160 for its next April Fools’ sex trivia event.

The SA holds its weekly meeting every Wednesday at 9:15 p.m. in the Cardinal Lounge of Angell College Center. 

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