Tuesday, February 11, 2025

EDITORIAL: Just say no to parties

After almost a full year of COVID-19 regulations and restrictions, students have had to adjust to virtual education and social distancing. Once the announcement was made that students could return to campus for limited in-person classes, some jumped at the chance. As students started arriving, the parties began.

Why do some students feel the need to continually attend parties during a pandemic? When will students learn that attending parties will cause an academic suspension? These questions will remain as students on campus constantly break social gathering regulations issued by the college and the state.

SUNY Chancellor Jim Malatras issued a uniform sanction document on Sept. 25, 2020 stating the severe penalties for students who host or attend parties on and off SUNY campuses. The document explains that students who are involved with a party or large social gathering in any form shall be issued “a suspension from live attendance at the institution of at least one year with continued access to their academic program via remote learning only (if available and as subject to campus policy and process), a suspension of at least one year or permanent dismissal from the institution.”

Since the fall semester, numerous students and campus fraternities have been issued suspensions due to hosting or attending parties with a large number in attendance.

Suspensions don’t seem to hinder the fun, though.

The health and safety of other students do not seem to be a concern for those who party. As the number of campus COVID cases rise, the number of parties seem to increase.

Continuing to party during the pandemic is just plain selfish. If students want college life to be back to normal, safety precautions have to be met each semester. The effort has to be made by the whole campus, not just the students who value the health and safety of others.

Partying will only cause the campus to close and in-person classes to come to a halt. Online learning has its difficulties, but shouldn’t it be a joint effort to keep everyone safe while receiving an education?

Stop. Attending. College. Parties.

For the safety of others, and yourself.


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