Friday, February 14, 2025

Editorial: Earth holds 24/7 importance

For those who aren’t aware, Earth Day was Wednesday, and the Plattsburgh State Environmental Action Committee has celebrated throughout the week as part of their Earth Week celebration, culminating in an Earth Week Festival tomorrow.

Here at Cardinal Points, it got us thinking: Do we really need to reserve this for just one week, or perhaps just a day, out of the entire year?
Earth Day is about promoting conservation and supporting a healthier planet.

The official Earth Day Network website explains how the first Earth Day, held in 1970, played a leading role in effecting change in American environmental policy, helping with “the passage of the landmark Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act and many other groundbreaking environmental laws.”

Most think of “going green” in relatively simple terms: recycling, saving water, less energy use, etc. While protecting the environment can be much more complex, it certainly isn’t too complicated to make a difference.

So why, then, are we still putting such emphasis on bringing attention to significant issues one day out of every 365?

And it doesn’t just pertain to Earth Day. Think of the numerous other days and months specifically reserved for movements, celebrations and remembrances.

Is there any real benefit to limiting the attention given to a cause? Of course not.

Recycling and environmental efforts by the population at large should not be restricted to 24 hours. While the idea is certainly with good intentions, it would benefit everyone to make slight lifestyle adjustments in accordance with “going green,” even just one component.

Here at PSUC, recycling, especially for on-campus students, is quite easy with the appropriate receptacles deployed in every residence hall. Just separate your bottles and cans from the rest, and drop it in the neighboring unit when you take it from your room.

Of course, the PSUC EAC is engaging in a city cleanup tomorrow morning before the festival. This is yet another important way of helping the planet, yet people who take advantage of this opportunity, or others like it, might not do so on a regular basis. The impact of such movements will grow exponentially.

Some might argue that doing something every day would lessen its significance compared to allocating it a small period of time. But maybe it will make the ordinary day extraordinary.

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