Monday, March 10, 2025

Arts & Culture

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Black Student Union hosts Black Ball

By Jeremy Binning Black Onyx: The Black Student Union is hosting its eighth annual Mr. and Mrs. BSU Pageant on Feb. 25 in the Warren Ballrooms of the Angell College Center at 6 p.m. The union had been formed with the...

Issue 2 In the stars

By Kiyanna Noel Capricorn: The Ten of Worlds card represents rewarding yourself. You’ve accomplished a lot, so try to do something for yourself as a reward. Aquarius: The Ace of Wands card represents becoming aware. You’ve now discovered the reality of...

PAVA makes its return to campus

By Bryn Fawn SUNY Plattsburgh has a vast display of art on campus and ensures there is always something to look at. Whether it’s the sculpture garden in Myers, or an exhibit in the Feinberg Library, there is always something...

African Unity’s sold-out Mystic Night

By Kiyanna Noel African Unity: The African Student Association hosted a sold-out evening of cabaret in the Warren Ballrooms on Saturday, Feb. 18. It truly was an evening of endless surprises, runways and games.  Although the show was off to a...

Gallery expresses art appreciation

By Kiyanna Noel With a new semester comes a new art exhibition in the Slatkin Study of the John Myers Fine Arts Building. Officially opening Jan. 31, Conscientious Collectors showcases the most recognized and celebrated works in the SUNY Plattsburgh...

Issue 1 In the Stars

By Kiyanna Noel Capricorn: The Death card represents the cycle of life and its events. Understand that all things must come to an end and it’s for the best, even if it doesn’t feel like it.  Aquarius: The Universe card represents...

Preview: African Unity hosts Mystic Night fashion show

By Kiyanna Noel  African Unity is hosting their third Annual Fashion Show on Feb. 18 at 7 p.m. in the Warren Ballrooms at the Angell College Center. The theme is “An evening of Cabaret: Mystic Night” representing body positivity and...

Theater students attend festival

By Jeremy Binning This past January the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival was held in Haverhill, Massachusetts. This conference is designed for theater students in college to give them a chance to showcase their talents as well as work...

Ceremony celebrates LGBT students

By Kennedy Tavares For the first time ever, SUNY Plattsburgh’s office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and the LGBTQ+ Resource Committee teamed up to host a Lavender Ceremony for the fall graduating class Wednesday, Dec. 7 in Krinovitz Recital Hall. A...

Kent exhibition shows beginnings

By Sydney Hakes  As the spring semester comes to an end, a new exhibition is just beginning its nine month run on campus. “Origins: The Evolution of an Artist and his Craft” will be running in the Kent Gallery on...
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