Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Candidate four focuses in students

Presidential candidate Darrell Kruger is currently the provost and executive vice chancellor at Appalachian State University. He aims to “Continue to grow enrollment at SUNY Plattsburgh.” Kruger believes the president of the college needs to be connected to the students in order to be successful. He described it as being a collaborative leader who wants to focus on the education and welfare of students. He said he’s open to the input from multiple perspectives on campus. Kruger plans to improve the budget issue on campus as well as increasing revenue.

“It is important to know where your revenue is coming from,” Kruger said.

During his meetings with faculty, he spoke about implementing more diversity on campus. Kruger is from South Africa and said he knows what it’s like to be in a place that lacks diversity.

Presidential candidates five and six will be on campus next week. These will be the last candidates to visit before a new president is appointed.

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