Thursday, September 19, 2024

Body shaming is never OK

Today we live in a world where most people fear judgement. What other people think about us is a constant insecurity that lots of people deal with on a day to day basis.

Everyone’s body type differs from the person next to them but does that make it okay to shame someone for it? No.

Bill Maher, host of “Real Time with Bill Maher” on HBO, made headlines for this behavior.

“Fat shaming doesn’t need to end, it needs to make a comeback,” Maher said during the Sept. 6 broadcast of his show.

James Corden, host of “The Late Late Show” on CBS spoke out against this.

“Fat shaming is just bullying,” Corden said. “I don’t think stuff like this is going to solve the obesity epidemic.”

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 39.6% of adults and 18.5% of children ages 2 to 19 are obese. These numbers might appear higher than they should be, but there can be different factors as to why individuals are obese.

Corden went on to explain in his monologue on the subject that there’s numerous factors as to why people could be overweight such as portion control, diet, lack of exercise, poverty and genetics.

Taking into consideration what you eat and ways you can stay active are things anyone can do.

“There is an aspect you can control to the best of your ability, regardless of your situation,” junior fitness and wellness major Josh Tudda said.

In any case, we should be supportive of someone trying to better themselves for their health.

Of course with a controversial topic like this, feelings can be hurt, so it’s important to watch the way you speak about it.

In our society, we’re constantly looking to make improvements for ourselves and the people around us. Realistically, weight is something you should worry about yourself without the input of others.

Social media does play a big role in body shaming, and it influences our behavior.

On apps like Instagram, we see skinny models whose body shapes can be appealing to some and we may strive to look like that. Models that are thick and curvy can also be appealing to some people, and it’s acceptable to want to look that way too.

“People get very self conscious of their image,” senior nutrition minor Jamie Maloney said. “We should appreciate different body types, they all come in different shapes and forms.”

Body and fat shaming will continue to happen even if we know it’s wrong, but we can teach future generations how to eliminate that shame.

Children are growing up in a world where they are glued to their phones. They are not getting the same amount of exercise that our generation had as kids. A 2011 study by the YMCA of the USA found that 75% of children ages 5-10 do not get enough physical exercise. Playing outside used to be the alternative when we were bored, now children just play games on a device and scroll through apps.

Everyone should aim to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. We learn that at a young age, and we should remember that as we get older.

Advocating for a happy and healthy life can happen without diminishing someone else’s perception of themselves.


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