Friday, February 14, 2025

Students use hemp, CBD oil to ease pain

For the last seven years, the push for the legalization of marijuana has been stronger than ever. But some would say smaller steps have been made since President Donald Trump signed the Farm Bill on Dec. 20, 2018, making all products produced with hemp legal in the United States.

Because hemp is not marijuana. 

According to an article from Forbes, hemp and marijuana are both cannabis plants, but hemp has less than 0.3% of THC, the psychoactive chemical that gets people high. Marijuana has between 5-35% of THC. 

Made by Hemp, an online hemp and CBD oil retailer, said hemp also has low traces of CBD. CBD is a natural substance obtained from hemp plants and is otherwise known as cannabinoid.

An article from Ministry of Hemp, an online publication that specializes in advocating for hemp and CBD products, explains how marijuana and hemp differentiate in appearance. Hemp has skinny leaves, and the plant itself is 20-feet-tall, while the marijuana plant is thick with plenty of leaves and short to ground.

Plattsburgh State sophomore marketing major Viera Bellino works at Natural Remedies, a CBD shop in Long Island. Bellino said anyone 18 years or older can enter the shop and purchase products.

“People have came in with great stories about how CBD has helped their life,” Bellino said. “Someone came in to get another CBD product because she said, ‘I used to get headaches every day and using CBD products has completely taken away my headaches.’”

Bellino explained that hemp aids pain relief, sleep issues, arthritis, headaches, anxiety, among other things.

“Someone should try hemp because it’s completely natural,” Bellino said. “You feel like yourself without a high effect. It helps with all sorts of medical issues as well.” 

Sabrina Multari, PSUC junior marketing major, uses hemp products and also uses CBD.

“I’ve used hemp infused lotion on my hands and on my shoulders,” Multari said. “On my shoulders, I’ve used it when I’m all tense and have a knot.”

She describes the lotion as something similar to Tiger Balm, an over-the-counter pain reliever, and that it tingles while alleviating muscle pain. 

When hemp products aren’t enough to rid her of her discomfort, she also turns to CBD oil in the form of a capsule.

“It’s kind of in place of Advil,” Multari said. “If I have a headache or muscle pain, I just take the dose of the CBD capsules, and it takes away the pain.”

Junior human development and family relations major Amy Pinchiaroli has been using hemp and CBD products for 2 years. She uses hemp patches and hemp oil as well as CBD oil.

“The [hemp] patches I put on before I go to bed,” Pinchiaroli said, “They include anti-inflammatories and help enhance my wellness.”

Since she has been using hemp and CBD, Pinchiaroli has noticed many benefits in her everyday life. She has struggled with falling and staying asleep and found that these products have helped.

“Physically, [hemp and CBD] helps with any joint pain I may get after I workout,” Pinchiaroli said. “Mentally, [hemp and CBD] helps me relax and get a better night’s sleep,” 

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