Thursday, March 6, 2025

SA signs eager students to three positions

The Plattsburgh State Student Association has many plans to improve the student body and life on campus this semester, but before the plans can be implemented, the executive board had to fill positions that were previously vacant.

The SA filled three positions on the first official meeting of the semester. Jacob Avery was appointed as adviser to the Executive Council, James Kennedy was selected as chief justice of the Student Court and Trevor Typhair was chosen as the chairman of the Board of Elections.

“The first meeting, overall, went very well,” SA president Michael Kimmer said, “We accomplished what need(ed) to be.”

Avery also serves as the coordinator of student activities and is also the adviser to the Clubs and Organizations Affairs Board. Avery said he decided to serve as the Executive Council adviser after being asked to by some of the students on campus.

As adviser, Avery is responsible for helping to guide the SA, not just throughout weekly meetings, but to help them accomplish their goals for the semester as well.

“Their goals are absolutely achievable,” Avery said.

Avery helped the SA follow Robert’s Rules of Order, the rules of etiquette and parliamentary procedure that the SA and other governmental bodies such as follow, during the first meeting. The rules can be quite complicated for those attempting to abide by them with little or no experience.

“It’s a learning process, but they’ll get there,” Avery said.

Aside from the Executive Council meetings, Avery is also responsible for attending the weekly Senate meetings, and he also has one-on-one time with the senators and others in the SA if needed. Kennedy said he decided to run for the chief justice position after being an associate justice last semester.

As chief justice, Kennedy is responsible for instilling judicial balance throughout the SA and helping to keep the checks and balances system in order. Kennedy regularly attends Executive Council and Senate meetings, court proceedings, and if needed, court trials on campus.

The trials could cover cases dealing with constitutionality or issues within the executive or legislative boards.

As for the rest of the semester, Kennedy hopes to make the court more active in the SA and the student body. He wants to make sure the judicial branch can represent the student body and help the SA be consistent.

He also holds several other positions around the PSUC campus.

Aside from Chief Justice, Kennedy is also president of the Interfraternity Council, vice president of the International Affairs and Debate Society, parliamentarian for the Delta Xi chapter of the Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity and director of the Legislative Review Board.

In order to manage such a busy schedule, Kennedy said he has most of his days scheduled in 15-minute increments.

“I like being organized. It’s like clockwork,” he said. “And I drink a lot of coffee.”

Aside from filling those positions, the SA also discussed the progress of its outreach program and looked for ways to monitor the program with the student body.

Kimmer also delivered the president’s report, addressing the success of the “Straight Outta Compton” screening. The movie showing was the SA’s first event of the semester.

“I didn’t know what to expect, but I was really excited for it,” Kimmer said. “It went very well.”

Vice President of Activities Brendan Husted also agreed at the meeting that the movie showing was a success.

Kimmer also updated the SA on his progress in booking a concert for the student body. He said he has contacted two booking agents, one of which has worked with PSUC in the past. He also suggested developing fundraiser ideas to help cover the costs of a concert.

“It looks very promising,” Kimmer said.

Topics included in the vice president’s reports were booking spring-break buses and promotion of the “Deadpool” movie showing at Cumberland 12 Cinemas on Feb. 12.

Email Marissa Russo at

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