Thursday, February 13, 2025

Chilly temperatures inspire new styles

It’s time to put the shorts away and pack up the bathing suits because fall is slowly approaching.

Fall is the perfect time to experiment with fashion trends.

However, there are some definite do’s and don’ts for this season.

With over 10,000 followers on Instagram, Julian Breyette’s love for fashion started when he noticed other people’s unique styles.

Julian Breyette, a multimedia journalism major at Plattsburgh State, had a lot to say about fashion. His style is monochromatic, which is a minimalistic style with tones of blacks and whites, but he likes playing with different textures and patterns, as well.

“I call them sweatshirt T-shirts,” Breyette said of his favorite staple for fall. What Breyette is referring to is shirts that are cut as a T-shirt but made with sweatshirt material.

An article in Bustle, an entertainment website, discusses the many trends to look out for this upcoming fall.

Statement sweatshirts were listed because of their versatility. Students can wear comfy sweaters while still making a statement through patterns and textures. The article also said students can wear leggings and throw on sneakers with printed sweatshirts.

“I love textured sweatshirts, like neoprene is really fun,” Breyette said.

Neoprene is an elastic material that is used to make dry suits but has also been popular with dresses and tops in the past few years.

“Don’t just throw on a hoodie. Wear a nice fall jacket,” Breyette said. He said it might be easy for students to just throw on a hoodie, but it’s not stylish.

George Masabanda, a freshman and criminal justice major, said bomber jackets have always been a popular trend but should be popular for this season too.

Based on the Bustle fall fashion article by Charmaine Simmons bomber jackets will be a trend for fall to watch out for. Students can wear an edgy bomber jacket or opt for a feminine look such as dresses or floral print.

Breyette had much to say about the difference between winter and fall jackets. “It looks silly to be walking around in a down coat with a fur hood in October,” he said.

Breyette said there is a transition between fall and winter. There are certain clothing items that should be reserved for winter fashion.

For example, wearing high-top sneakers instead of boots is a difference Breyette pointed out.

Steven Levy, a junior at PSUC, said he prefers the fall weather over summer and winter because of the accessibility.

“Many of my shoes are made of rubber or leather. I haven’t worn them too much because it’s too hot.”

He also said winter gives the same limitations because students typically stick with boots for the winter.


For this season’s don’ts, Levy said he’s not a fan of V-necks, unflattering jeans and cargo shorts.

Breyette also agreed with shorts. “Shorts are done. It’s not summer anymore,” he said.

Denim jeans are also a trend to look out for.

The article said boyfriend jeans, which are typically loose-fitting distressed jeans, are another hot trend for fall.

The article also said distressed jeans are comfier to wear than skinny jeans.

Franchesca Caputo, who attended a Fashion PR seminar and hopes to write for fashion magazines, said two trends she was looking forward to were dramatically flared jeans and overalls.


Caputo said to look out for tall suede boots as well.

“Suede everything actually. Suede skirts and dresses are becoming huge now,” she said.

According to an article on, “Fall 2015’s Most Versatile Trend Is the Suede Skirt: 17 Ways to Style It,” suede gives a southwestern style, which comes in fall colors such as brown, burgundy, beige and burnt orange.

Suede can be worn in many ways this fall including mini-skirts, fringed skirts and patchwork styled skirts.


Caputo said layering is wonderful for the fall time but could be a don’t for fashion if the proportions are off. She said that layering can make or break a look because too much layering can lead to a frumpy look.

“You need to play with proportions and see what works for you,” she said.


Caputo and Levy both said a lot of flannels should be a popular trend for the fall.

Julie Woodley, the owner of Dress Code located at 17 Bridge St., gave some thoughts on upcoming trends.

“Flannels are going to be popular, and plaid is making a comeback especially for the fall,” she said.

She said wearing flannels is specifically popular during the fall while the winter weather is all about sweaters.


“It’s the same for scarves,” Woodley said. “People can wear lighter decorative scarves during the fall, while winter is more about finding a thick scarf conducive to the weather.”

For students who want to shop for more fall fashion, Dress Code is offering a 10 percent discount for college students and accepts Cardinal Cash.

For other fall fashion trends, Breyette encourages students to check out Instagram.

“Fashion bloggers on Instagram really inspire me. I was like ‘I can dress like that,’” Breytte said.


Email Kavita Singh at

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