Wednesday, March 12, 2025


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Editorial: Wrap it before you tap it

When you sleep with someone, the old adage tells us, you’re not sleeping with just your partner — you’re sleeping with everyone they’ve ever slept with. And everyone those people have slept with. And so on. The National College Health...

Being a pagan in Plattsburgh

Any variation of the phrase “you’re going to go to hell” is unfortunately a familiar one to me, and it always seems to come from a complete stranger. It seems as though wearing a five-pointed star in public is...

School shooting sparks debate

Columbine. Virginia Tech. Sandy Hook. Umpqua Community College. A shooting took place at Umpqua Community College, claiming the lives of nine people Oct. 1, in Roseburg, Oregon. Another name is tacked onto the growing list of tragic school shootings, and what...

The joke’s gone on long enough, Trump

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” Donald Trump said. “They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some, I...

Donald Trump: America’s guilty pleasure

The man who starred in the show “The Apprentice” and is known for saying “you’re fired” on national television wants to be in charge of America. Is it really a bad thing? After all, it was his attitude that got...

The stigma of being an art major

When I was younger, I wanted to be an artist. I loved to draw, take photos and do anything creative. I would wander around my house, backyard and the beach to snap pictures of nature, animals or people,...

Do you want to make a donation?

Don’t open your wallets just yet. Ken Knelly, the executive director of marketing and communications, sent out an email Sept. 2 informing Plattsburgh State students of a fundraising scam reported on campus. “They claimed they were in a fundraising contest...

Safety: precaution not solution

Has there ever been a time when you’re walking by yourself back from class, work or a friend’s house and you get the feeling that you’re not alone? Or start thinking about how you’re going to react if that...

Republicans vs Planned Parenthood

Despite what the GOP wants you to think, abortions provided by Planned Parenthood take up only 3 percent of the work performed by the health care service. Abortion has and, for our lifetimes at least, will be a topic of...

Pop star’s single exposes college rape

Lady Gaga released her first single of the year last week, “Til It Happens To You,” a powerful ballad explaining how you can’t relate to someone who has gone through a traumatic experience until it happens to you. The...
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