Tuesday, February 11, 2025


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American youth on politics

If someone were to approach you and ask you your views on politics, would you be able to give them an honest, educated answer? Suppose a professor wanted to know who you’ll be voting for in 2016. Would you...

Luxury dorms costly and unnecessary

Plattsburgh State is sporting a beautiful revamped pond, is in the middle of renovating Moffitt Hall and is redoing the bridge to Hudson Hall. It seems like our school is getting a makeover, and apparently, this is the trend...

Pictures or it didn’t happen

Social media is what lets us share all the things we’re doing in a virtual community full of friends and strangers. People all over the world use social media. It helps the world stay connected and enables us to...

Seamstress earns more than professors

$57,697 — that’s how much money Joyce Mitchell, the former sewing instructor for Clinton County Correctional Facility, made in one year before she was convicted of assisting the escapes of prisoners David Sweat and Richard Matt. The minimum salary for...

Take advantage of life’s greatness while you can

It’s unfortunate, but one of the only things that truly brings the living together is death. Last week, a student passed away long before his time should’ve come, and he left behind many friends and family members who clearly adored...

Start using inside voices

It’s Friday night at Plattsburgh State. The school week and summer’s warm breeze has prolonged into September. It’s the beginning of the weekend, and students at PSUC are excited. They want nothing more than to hang out with friends...

Stalkers jeopardize college safety

It’s 3 in the morning, and a girl is walking quickly down the street alone. Her makeup is smudged, she has sweat dried on her skin and she’s pretty sure she stepped in puke on the way out of...

Five easy steps to staying positive

As incoming or returning students, every year we are able to reinvent ourselves. Today is not like yesterday. Well, for some it might be, but that is solely your choice. No one is making you go to Clinton every...

A trait worth every penny

As I step up to the ATM, my heart begins to race and my card feels hot in my grasp. I reluctantly slide the plastic into the metal beast, type in my pin and hit “check balance.” The wait...

Demand for fast-food wages angers millennial

A phrase that never seems to disappear in news programming or political television is one currently placed on today’s so-dubbed “millennials.” The word is entitlement. It’s everywhere. It’s in your fridge, it’s in your bedroom and it’s even on...
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