Photos by Cinara Marquis
Arisa Izumi holds a black parasol, symbolizing her character’s deceased relatives, as she approaches the water station.
Alkobi kneels and prays by the water station to give thanks for the water, mirroring the Nina Winkel...
Photos by Aleksandra Sidorova and Kolin Kriner
The campus’ Emergency Preparedness Day was held Wednesday, Sept. 25 outside the Angell College Center.
The event, held annually by the SUNY Plattsburgh Office of Emergency Management, featured various crisis response demonstrations, as well...
Photos by Hiram Cowhey
Read more about the clean-up here.
Przedwiecki shovels wet sand into a sieve.
Lochet pours water into a sieve with wet sand, making the sand pass through more easily.
Lochet points to a piece of styrofoam...
Photos by Jayne Smith
Flautists Trevor White (left) and Robin Cameron-Phillips (right) play Gustav Holst’s “Second Suite in F.”
French hornist Eric Neilsen plays “Images of the Adirondacks.”
Clarinetists Edna Stroinski (left) and Ryan Nerp (right) play on “Images...
Photos by Aleksandra Sidorova, Jayne Smith
Campus organizations and offices gathered in Memorial Hall to raise awareness for mental health and suicide prevention Tuesday, Sept. 10.
The event featured tables from the Accessibility Resources Office, University Police, the Student Association and...
Erica Dickinson makes a play on the offense, looking for a cutting teammate to pass to.
Abby Guasconi (left) and Caitlin Nash (right) cheer on their teammates.
Cynthia Barnosky (20) and Erica Dickinson share an embrace after Barnosky’s second goal of...
Left: Shine On! Adviser Colleen Lemza can’t take the cold as Christa Covel-Reyell and Skyler Misiaszek look on.
John Carguello cannonballs into Hawkins Pond.
Associate Professor of Archaeology Justin Lowry dunks student Joey Panzarella “baptism-style.”
Sigma Delta Tau sisters splash in the...
Sophomore Riley Sutherland (left), sophomore Brannan Butler (center), sophomore Spencer Bellina (right) and Luk Jirousek (front) of men's hockey hand out candy to local children.
(From left to right) Jessica Mare, Jillian Bezio, Catrina Maltes, Zoe Rice, Mackenzie Lawless and...