Monday, March 10, 2025

Arts & Culture

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Kiyanna’s Kulture

Photos: Kevina Burgess   Kiyanna’s Kulture is a biweekly column that highlights different kinds of fashion.  Fashion is a tale as old as time and has always been a way of expression and identity. Plattsburgh alumna Kevina Burgess ’22 is this week’s fashion...

 Greek Xposure returns to campus

By Nadia Paschal Six of Plattsburgh’s multicultural and Black Greek Life organizations came together to participate in the eighth annual Greek Xposure hosted by Lambda Theta Alpha. The fraternities and sororities involved were Lambda Alpha Upsilon, Phi Beta Sigma Zeta...

Active Minds reframes mental health

By Cinara Marquis Active Minds is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting mental health across the United States in order to facilitate a conversation on awareness and destigmatization. With a focus on youth and young adults, the organization utilizes...

In the Stars – Issue2 Fall 2023

By Kiyanna Noel Capricorn: The Fortune card represents turning your negatives into positives. Remember to be optimistic about opportunities that come your way.  Aquarius: The Ace of Cups card represents feeling passionate and ecstatic. Try to enjoy this feeling of euphoria...

In the Stars – Issue1 Fall 2023

By Kiyanna Noel Capricorn: The Death card represents turning over a new leaf. Remember that all things must come to an end, but that isn’t always a bad thing.  Aquarius: The Five of Worlds card represents experiencing setbacks and being devastated....

Dance teams returning for new semester

By: Kiyanna Noel From different kinds of dance to music, SUNY Plattsburgh has no shortage of dance groups. Dance has a way of creating unbreakable bonds and giving everyone their own freedom of expression.  The three main dance groups on campus...

DEI hosts housewarming at the H.U.B.

By: Aleksandra Sidorova Diversity, Equity and Inclusion officially welcomed the campus community to the office’s new home in the Angell College Center’s H.U.B. on Thursday, Sept. 7. The reception introduced new DEI staff and announced upcoming events and programs. Multicultural Student...

Plattsburgh presents talent show

By: Ella Polynice Do you have a talent the world needs to see? Then don’t be selfish by hiding it from us. Vice President of Interfraternal Relations Abigail Passafiume helped plan an event that will allow you to showcase your...

Symphonic Band performs at Giltz in ensemble

By Suzanne Tracy The SUNY Plattsburgh Symphonic Band assembled in Giltz Auditorium in Hawkins Hall to a crowd of friends and family on a warm Friday evening April 28.  The band members, elegantly dressed in black, gathered onstage with the theme...

Sororities host 11th annual Yard Show

By Kiyanna Noel Yard shows are showcases for multicultural Greek life organizations to represent unity through their best stroll or creative routines.  Sororities and fraternities gathered for the 11th Annual Yard Show May 6 at 2 p.m., prepared to represent their...
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