Monday, March 10, 2025

Writers, actors, directors wanted

By Nadia Potts

 The College Theater Association is looking for students to get involved in its “7-Minute Skits” showcase in April. Prospective writers, directors and actors are encouraged to apply. 

Written scenes, skits or sketches less than 10 minutes in length can be submitted to the group via email. Writing for a PG-13 audience is preferred. Submissions are due March 10.

Students interested in becoming a director must have prior theater experience and be, or become, a member of the College Theater Association by attending at least one other College Theater Association event. Prior directing experience is not required. Applications are due March 20.

No experience or membership is required to audition for an acting role. Official audition dates will be announced in the future.

“I’m hoping we can get more involvement! I want to see people express themselves in other ways besides acting or tech, and I’m really excited to see student playwrights showcase their work,” Tech Director ReGina Sutphen said. “It might feel daunting at first, like all new things do, but once you take that first plunge, you realize this is a safe space and we want you to have many opportunities to be yourself and explore in your practice.”

The College Theater Association will announce official audition, rehearsal and performance dates on its Instagram page, @plattsburghcta. In the meantime, individuals can apply to direct, submit skits or ask questions by sending an email to

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