Monday, March 10, 2025

Winter ins and outs

By Nadia Paschal


Hi! I’m Nadia Paschal, opinion editor. 


Winter is right around the corner, and I love the cozy feeling and nostalgia that’s in the air this time of year. Here’s some trends I think are cool and others I’m lukewarm about.




It’s the holidays, which means giving back and spreading some cheer. Helping out locally or even on a larger scale can make a difference and be a great gift.


Winter sports

If you’re not the most athletic, like me, winter sports might be something you avoid entirely. You just might not have found the right one though. Ice skating, skiing — green trails only — and even sledding are my favorite physical activities this time of year.



It might be cliché, but red is such a good color this time of year. It goes well with so many things, and there are a variety of shades that you can experiment with.


Self care

Whether that’s physically, such as keeping up with skin care to fend off dry skin or, mentally such as refusing to argue about politics with relatives during the holidays, it’s OK to put yourself first sometimes.



I know this is not the most popular pastime among college students but it’s always fun to cozy up by the fire and get lost in a good book.




Staying inside all season

It’s getting colder and darker earlier, but that doesn’t mean we can just hibernate. Break your routine of staying in bed all break, or your friends and family will really start to get concerned.



It’s the season of sales and Black Friday is coming up soon, but don’t let them trick you into buying things you don’t really need. Impulse buys may be fun in the moment, but your bank account will thank you later the less you spend. 


Tropical getaways

Winter is my least favorite season and I hate the cold, but unfortunately, in upstate New York, it’s something we have to live with. Why not appreciate it while it’s here?


Muted outfits

Neutral colors seem to be big around this time of year, but to me it just seems boring. Even just a few colorful accessories can make you stand out from the monotonous white landscape.



Maybe I’m just being biased, as this is a seasonal staple but personally I’m sick of being bombarded with the scent and taste of peppermint in every home and store I walk into. There are so many other winter scents and flavors you might be missing out on because you’ve bought into the peppermint hype.


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