Saturday, March 8, 2025

University rep. approved

Katie Kallamni

In the Student Association Senate meeting Sept. 27, Michael Casey, University Representative candidate,  joined via Zoom to speak on his behalf to get approved for the spot as University College Representative of SUNY Student Assembly. 

Casey is a junior at the SUNY Plattsburgh branch in Queensbury. Casey plans to “move SA forward by giving resources to campuses.” After the discussion, Casey was asked to return on Zoom for the senate Student Association meeting held on Wednesday, Sept. 29. Casey spoke passionately about his efforts with “encouraging students to be involved, specifically through social media.” 

While Casey is stationed at the Queensbury branch campus, he made it clear that he will, when needed, be at the main campus and as available as possible. When Casey spoke again Wednesday, he answered all questions and concerns raised by the Student Association Board. Senators voted on his approval and with the majority, and he was elected as University College Representative. 

Ahmed Metwaly, the president of the SA, reached out with Dana Kellerman, a executive director of the CAS, regarding shuttles, on-campus facilities and dining options. This was after concerns were raised by the Board of Directors. 

The coordinator of activities, Laman Hanifayeva, is working to get shuttles from the ACC to the fieldhouse. In hopes to make it more accessible for Plattsburgh students to attend games. Athletic Director Mike Howard supported this notion. However, with a scarcity of drivers, this notion remains unlikely. 

There have also been concerns raised by students with a lack of security cameras on campus. The SA is looking to talk with University Police to get more cameras especially in the parking lots, as that was the main concern.

Night of Nations is set in motion, and more information will be expressed accordingly. Night of Nations is SUNY Plattsburgh’s celebration of culture and diversity on campus. Students perform ethnic shows and display their cultural diversity. 

The finance board, arts and public relations boards are looking for new members.

The trip to Salem, Massachusetts will take place Sunday, Oct. 17. Tickets are $30 for students, and 50 tickets are up for grabs. 

Schuylar Clark was unanimously approved as a voting member of the Academic Affairs Board. She attended the meeting and seemed eager to get started. Cynthia Martinez was also unanimously voted in as the Secretary of the Academic Affairs Board. 

The SA approved $1,285 for Fuerzas Hispanic Heritage Banquet. The money will go toward food, lighting and a sound system. The banquet will be held on Thursday, Oct. 7 from 7 to 9 p.m. Tickets are $7 for students and $10 for non-students. Hispanic Heritage month takes place from Sept. 15-Oct. 15. 

“We have a banquet every fall semester to highlight that month and Hispanic culture.” Charlin Deguero, President of Fuerza Black and Latinx Union, said. “Our theme for the banquet is solidarity, being that there’s so many issues going on in the world.” 

The banquet will have a Bachata contest, Hispanic food, games and lots of music. 

Senator Perry also spoke with the mayor and discussed ideas for a Plattsburgh city bike program and the security measures at Plattsburgh’s Pride Parade Oct. 3. 

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