Sunday, March 9, 2025

Trunk or Treat with SACC

Mia Morgillo

The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee will host a “Trunk or
Treat” event this Halloween at the Field House parking lot. From
college students to local children, this is an event for all ages.

SAAC Co-President Kelly Degnan has been involved since she
was a freshman. She started as a representative for the women’s
basketball team. Degnan said this event is, “a good way to give
back and do something fun for the kids.”

Volleyball student-athlete Meghan O’Brien, is the other SAAC

“Just to interact more with the community is awesome,” O’Brien

In the past, SAAC has hosted a talent show, 5k’s, and gathered
to rake leaves in the community. They also put together Adopt-a Friend last Christmas, raising money for ten kids from the age of
1 to 19 years old. With COVID still a concern for many, Trunk or
Treat on Halloween seemed like a safe choice. This event provides
the opportunity for kids to be outside, without going door to door.

Participants can show up from 1 to 3 p.m. and park behind the
Field House. Each team, club, or Greek life organization will put
together a themed car in the front parking lot, and participants
will go from car to car, collecting Halloween treats.

“Come out, grab some candy, and wear a costume,” O’Brien

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