Monday, March 10, 2025

Tolerance needed for change

Making the first move is the hardest, but it’s also the most important.

In staff writer Timothy Lyman’s article this week, he reported on Tiffany and Co.’s recent advertising campaign that features a gay couple as one of the seven featured as part of the ad.

The campaign, called “Will You?”, is meant to show support for all relationships, no matter who is involved or how that love came about.
The significance, of course, is that this is yet another victory on the road to universal support of same-sex marriage in the United States.

As Plattsburgh State student Crystal Rivera points out in Lyman’s article, the campaign is not just about supporting people in their personal lives — it has a lot to do with the business side of things and reaching more consumers as well (not that Cardinal Points is in any way suggesting this was the sole factor in creating the campaign, but it is still a factor).

However, whatever the motivation may be, the end result is progress — and that’s just adding to what’s already been accomplished.
As Lyman’s article states, 36 of 50 states have legalized gay marriage. That’s 72 percent.

The important thing now, though, is to keep fighting. Instead of being content with the current levels of progress and assuming the rest will take care of itself, it’s time to push harder. The only way to change law is pressure from the people — us.

We need to let those in power know we won’t stand for anything less than 50 out of 50. Put pressure on the states who have legalized same-sex marriage to put pressure on those who haven’t, just as the Tiffany’s campaign might do for other jewelry companies.

Change happens when our tolerance for others’ lifestyles increases. It’s time for us to take the initiative and support the basic human right of a pursuit of happiness for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation. We’ve come a long way — the only direction we can move from here is forward.

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