Sunday, March 9, 2025

Three clubs upgrade status

By Hayden Sadler

The Student Association swore in a new member of the Senate and approved multiple club status requests during a brief March 29 meeting.

During the meeting, the SA Senate appointed and swore in Celine Nwakeze as a new senator, who was also approved as the ex-officio member of the finance board. She was recommended by Treasurer Osamuyimen Omorogbe-Akpata and approved unanimously by the Senate. Nwakeze, a junior with a double major in economics and marketing, stated that her experience with the finance board would be an asset in her role as a senator.

In addition to Nwakeze’s appointment, the Senate unanimously approved three clubs for permanent status on campus. House of Divinity, a modeling club represented by Senator Liza Ali, was the first to receive permanent status. Senator Djeneba Sy mentioned the club had demonstrated strong involvement on campus and added that the club had been active on Instagram as well. The Senate then approved the club’s status unanimously.

Morgan’s Message, a student-athlete mental health outreach club, was also approved unanimously for permanent status. The club’s representatives explained that their goal was to create awareness around mental health and provide support to student-athletes. Morgan’s Message receiving approval for permanent club status is an important step in ensuring student-athlete mental wellbeing. The club has been active on Instagram, where students can find links to join its email list and GroupMe chat for club updates.

At the recent meeting, the Senate voted unanimously to approve Young Life for permanent club status. The treasurer and the president of Young Life presented their case to the Senate, explaining that their organization is a chapter of the national Christian ministry of the same name that helps young adults grow in their faith through relationships with others. They hold a small group every Monday in collaboration with BASIC, another Christian ministry, and have meetings on Thursdays at Tim Horton’s with two alumni who serve as mentors. In addition, they recently held a tie-dye night and went to see the movie “Jesus Revolution” with 20 students in attendance at both events. After hearing their presentation, the Senate approved their permanent club status without objection.

The Senate also discussed the lack of SA presence at a recent Open House and called for greater attendance at the upcoming April 8 Open House. 

As part of senators’ reports, Senator Endalkachew Abebe announced that he had reached out to the president of Biketopia club, Eirik Lavigne, to speak at the Cardinal Sustainability Summit April 23. Ali reported on the Club/Organization Awards categories that will be voted on during the next board meeting, which includes Best New Club/Organization, Best Permanent (Club), Best Event and Most Improvement. 

Ali also said the club APOSA — Apostolic Students and Associates — was denied permanent status at the board’s meeting the previous Friday, and Ali plans to meet with the club to see how the board can help.

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