Saturday, March 8, 2025

This Week in Photos: Trunk or Treat

Olga Muka & Kayla Lester / Cardinal Points

SUNY Plattsburgh women’s ice hockey players Erin Mcadle, Kendall Wasik, Holly Schmelzer, Hanna Rose, Annie Katonka, Nicole Unsworth and Ivy Boric dress up as Dr. Suess characters for Sunday’s trunk or treat event.

Olga Muka & Kayla Lester / Cardinal Points

SUNY Plattsburgh women’s volleyball players Lily White and Shannon Fitzpatrick hide in the trunk to stay out of the rain and keep the candy dry.

Olga Muka & Kayla Lester / Cardinal Points

Theta Phi Alpha members Taylor Dagostino, Sophie Norton, Jaiden Varmette, Jeraya Kelly, Jordan Hakeem-Ali, Jenna Garcia, Nina Serafini, Elizabeth Veitch, Elizabeth Oser and Felicia Alicata volunteered to pass out candy at the Field House for the Halloween event.

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