Thursday, March 13, 2025

Task force aims to bring change

In the wake of the racist Snapchat incident this past February, many solutions on how to move forward have been proposed by students, professors, administrators and the Plattsburgh State community as a whole.
One of the most tangible steps taken so far has been the establishment of a Social Justice task force that incorporates students, professors and community members.

It joins groups like Title XI, Radius, the I Am An Ally Campaign and the Center for Diversity, Pluralism and Inclusion in fighting for a broader inclusionary environment at PSUC.
The task force will hold bi-weekly meetings until they disband on July 31 and present PSUC President John Ettling with a list of recommendations for the campus.

Next meeting will be Monday, with members still dealing with the loss of Educational Opportunity Program Director Kyla Relaford, a person who was meant to be a vocal part of the group.
The group has the potential to propose constructive ideas to help the college move forward, but right now it is all potential.

Here’s to hoping that the force will have something constructive to bring to the table come August 1.

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