Sunday, March 9, 2025

Studying for final exams presents dangers of adderall

I lay in bed clenching my chest, wondering if I should go to the emergency room. During finals week of my freshman year I frequently took adderall and mixed it with two energy drinks. I thought it was the answer to my procrastination toward writing a 10-page research paper I ended up getting a C on. It felt so good that I thought I might actually have ADHD.

I remember trying to go to bed with an empty stomach because of the adderall and desperately hoping my eyes would finally close.

Even though I finished plenty of work while on adderall, it began taking a toll on my body and on my behavioral patterns. A lack of sleep meant lashing out on people who didn’t deserve it. With each new pill came another new apology because of my irritability.

Researchers from the University of Kentucky estimate that 34 percent of students nationwide use adderall for non-medical reasons.

Though I have been a part of that statistic, I am no longer. Adderall turned me into a walking zombie. Enough coffee will do the trick. Even better, just stay focused and get your work done. You’ll feel better in the long run.

Email Chris Burek at

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