Sunday, March 9, 2025

Students seek academic advice

Making big choices is a necessary part of life that is often inescapable even when some decisions in life may appear to be more drastic and urgent than others. When working toward a specific goal or career, decision-making can become a more prominent aspect.

For many college students, this represents a familiar ordeal. A new semester often comes with several responsibilities for students who endure them. For a collegian, a daily schedule may consist of various mandatory courses as well as other extracurricular commitments, and these tasks can potentially become overwhelming if not managed accordingly.

In school, it isn’t uncommon for students to find themselves in a predicament that isn’t the most desirable. Some students may find the motivation to persevere through a difficult course load, while others evaluate whether or not the subject is worth bearing for the duration of the semester.

“Dropping a class potentially has more benefits than it does harms,” student tutor from Adelphi University, Dimario Johnson, said.

“Withdrawal is a good option to take advantage of, especially for students who have given their best to class but see little room for improvement.”

On Plattsburgh State campus, there are advisors to seek counsel from who can shed light on individual circumstances. This is usually based on academic performances from previous semesters, or how many more credits are needed before your anticipated graduation date. There are many important factors to consider, and advice from others can aid in your decision-making.

As midterms stroll along, this demand becomes increasingly evident.

“Your midterm grades can work a huge determiner in what your final grade may be,” journalism and public Relations advisor, John Downs, said.

Many students are aware whether or not they can tackle a course for an entire semester based on midterm evaluations. Dropping a class can also help maintain a healthy grade point average.

“I’ve been in a position before when I’ve missed deadlines early in the semester and knew it would be overwhelming to back track,” PSUC sophomore, Joel Batista, said.

Many people would stick throughout a difficult class if it suits their goals and interests, and some may find the motivation to make a huge turn around.

A “W” on transcript, at the end of the day, still reflects better than a failing grade. It is about knowing what one can handle as a person, and making an honest agreement with yourself and professors involved.

“It’s about knowing what you want to learn, and knowing how you learn,” PSUC sophomore, Jade Estremera, said.
“Everyone learns at a different pace and it’s best to find which strategy suits you”.


Email Denise Brown at

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