Sunday, March 9, 2025

Students rally against cancer

Mia Morgillo

The No More Cancer fundraising campus group kicked off their annual fundraising Nov. 5. With games, music, food and dancing, students who fundraised for St. Judes Children’s Hospital came together in the ACC ballroom to celebrate their achievements.

To get into the event, students received a personal fundraising link that could be sent to friends and family. Many participants were a part of Greek life and formed fundraising teams within their organizations. Even students who weren’t on a team could join the rally kick off, if they raised more than $20. 

Luke Geddies, a junior adolescence education major, was the head of the event . Last year, Geddies got involved when someone from his Greek organization, Tau Kappa Epsilon, was the executive director for No More Cancer fundraising and asked him to be the recruitment chair. 

“I love St. Jude and what they stand for,” Gedies said. “I’ve always loved children and the message of St. Jude with the family not having to pay.” 

One of the members of the board, Hannah Downs, a senior digital media production and graphic design major, is the public relations director. She said one of the challenges the board faced was getting the word out. 

“With COVID, it’s been super hard to motivate people, to get them to want to do stuff or get the word out there,” Downs said. 

They have raised $21,600 out of their $25,000 goal for the school year so far. 

“The number one highlight is just thinking about the end goal, because St. Jude’s is such a good cause and an amazing place,” Downs said. “I think that’s been the driving passion for all of us on the e-board, a bigger cause than just us.”

The No More Cancer Rally event consisted of many activities. Musical chairs, live action “Hungry, Hungry Hippos,” and a cornhole tournament were huge hits for the night. Desserts and a face painting booth were also set up for the participants to enjoy. 

One of the teams for the rally was sorority Theta Phi Alpha. Together, the organization raised $1,825. 

“We always participate in the No More Cancer Rally, but we became even more involved this year because one of our sisters, Sophie Norton, is on the executive board,” said Emily Ellis, a junior early childhood education major, said. 

Twenty-five out of the 40 sisters attended the event, to support the cause. 

“My favorite part was seeing pretty much all of Theta Phi doing zumba and also the hungry hungry hippo game they did,” Ellis said. 

 “It’s great to not only support a good cause but also have fun doing it.”

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