Saturday, March 15, 2025

Student Association gearing up for semester

The Plattsburgh State Student Association has reconvened and begun to discuss new projects for the school year.

During the second SA Senate meeting of the semester, Sept. 10, the senators announced the launch of Cardinal Movie Den, a new Website that can be used at no cost or inconvenience to PSUC students. The main feature is the ability to watch newly released movies, which are available right on the site,

“As the Student Association, we are trying our best to accomodate students and continue to provide enriching services to the campus community,” SA President Priscilla Burke said.

A popular feature on the SA’s Facebook page is the “Freebie Friday” activity, which allows students to have the chance to win various PSUC-themed prizes. Playing off of that, they are now hoping to incorporate a weekly club spotlight profile, which they hope will spread more awareness of different extracurricular activities available to students.

In the next few weeks, the SA will be sponsoring events such as a 5-hour defensive driving course Sept. 27, which is now sold out.

The “Save a Life” tour will also be coming to campus Oct. 10 and is open to all PSUC students.

The SA is also sponsoring the transportation for PSUC students to return home during Columbus Day weekend.

Burke said she is confident that despite any problems the SA may run into, the semester will be successful.

“I always keep in mind that not every student will be pleased, and there will always be negativity as much as there is positivity. But as long as [we] stay positive as a whole organization then we can accomplish a lot over time,” she said.

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