Monday, March 3, 2025

Signs help students navigate

Aside from renovating dorms, last year’s revamp of the pond and regularly keeping classrooms up to date, the PSUC Facilities, Maintenance and Operations office aims to put new, more visible signs on the academic buildings. Hawkins Hall received two new signs this summer, followed by Hudson and Ausable Hall.

These halls were chosen for their high traffic volume and the severity of the decrepit signs they’d be replacing. In the midst of the school’s ongoing renovation period, the outdoor signs may seem like an unlikely priority; but the upkeep of on-campus infrastructure is a constant battle facing the college.

“I lived next to Moffitt and Mason during their construction updates, I think maintenance is great but it does start to feel like it’s following you” said Escobar.

Director of Facilities Kevin Roberts said the planning process for the signs started four years ago. Roberts serves as a member on the facilities board and said funding came from an unlikely source; The Vice President of Business Affairs office.

The price per sign varies but the one outside of Hawkins Hall cost one-thousand dollars, including installation Expensive as they are integral, Roberts is hopeful they’ll serve more than an aesthetic function.

“I believe these will help new students better find their way around campus more easily,” he said.

First year student Krysten Lyman said she finds the signs helpful. She also said she knows these signs will benefit new students the most.

“Without them finding my way around would be difficult,” Lyman said.

The decision to color the signs cardinal red was made by Roberts and backed by the board he sits on.

Two signs already adorn Hawkins. Roberts said signs will be added to Kehoe, Redcay Hall and around Draper Avenue.

“The signs were aging; these ones are more up to date,” said Roberts, “The renovations don’t just stop outdoors, the Angell College Center and Yokum Hall are both due for reconstruction.”

Junior Ruben Escobar calls these signs “a major improvement compared to some of the signs on campus.”

The most impressive renovation fresh in many students’ minds is Hawkins pond.

“The pond is still my favorite place on-campus, now with new signs and the benches I think it will be shown in even more photographs” said Escobar.

Students nevertheless still air grievances about the prolonged construction they see on campus.

“The Hudson Hall bridge is taking forever” said PSUC student Paul Milman. “I’m happy to hear these projects are not paid for with tuition because they seem unhurried.”

Until then PSUC is fortunate to have the strategic managers like Kevin Roberts working on its restorations.

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