Friday, March 14, 2025

SA Sound-Off: Vote “yes” on referendum

A message from the president of the Student Association


Hey Cardinals! Did you know that it’s referendum season? Every two years, the student body gets to vote on whether to keep the Student Association fee mandatory or optional. 

It is imperative to all of us here at SUNY Plattsburgh that this fee stays mandatory. What does the Student Association fee help cover? It helps us fund all clubs and organizations on campus, which means they get to continue having their events that students like you and I can go to.

The fee helps fund our very own Student Association-hosted events as well, such as Create-a-Creature, Coffee House, Free Money Game Show, Winterfest, Spring Carnival, Casino Night, DIY Street Signs, DIY Pillow Cases, snow tubing trips, Burlington trips, Montreal trips, Salem trips, sports game trips, and so much more! 

Without this fee, students would also lose the shuttle, extended library hours during finals week, museum funding and art exhibit funding. It’s no surprise to anyone that retention has affected universities nationwide — this is also a major factor on why an optional fee would simply not suffice. 

We need you all to consider just how much is at stake. Please vote “yes” on the referendum this semester on April 25!


SA President Carter Mosher



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