Friday, September 13, 2024

Letter to the Editor: SA President clarifies call for Whiteface dorm name change

There has been some confusion and concern about the possible name change of Whiteface Hall. This idea was brought forward at the Student Association Senate meeting on April 11. A bill was brought forward by the Vice President for Student Affairs and Diversity, Daniel Khoshkehpazi, that would assist in the name changing process. 

To start off, one of the main reasons this is the chosen building for the possible name change is because it is being renovated.

Whiteface Hall is named after the mountain. When a building is named after a person, it is much more difficult to change the name. I would like to make it clear to the campus community that the building being named “WHITEface” has absolutely nothing to do with the idea for the name change. Ultimately, the possible name change is occurring due to the fact that Whiteface Hall is getting renovated, and it does not currently hold the name of a person. 

The student bill that was brought forward at last week’s Senate meeting was for the creation of an ad-hoc committee that will be responsible for making the collective campus recommendation of the new name for Whiteface Hall after its renovation. These will strictly be recommendations. The ad-hoc committee does not have the power to actually change the building name.

Representatives from the Student Association, the faculty senate, the College Council, and the Residence Life Office will hold seats on this ad-hoc committee. Each group will be able to recommend one name for the building’s name change. Collectively, this would be a total of four recommendations. Once there are four recommendations, a forum will be held so that the campus community can express their opinions in regard to the final four names. 

I am hoping this can clear up any confusion or concern some may be having. If anyone has further questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to me at

Jess Falace,

Student Association President 

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