Sunday, February 23, 2025

SA preparing end of semester plans, events

The Plattsburgh State Student Association’s Executive Council shifted its focus to organization at Monday evening’s meeting as the members deviated from their normal meeting format to draw up the SA’s event calendar for the remainder of the semester.

Abandoning the normal panel-style seating, the Council members in attendance gathered informally at a group of tables in the back of the Cardinal Lounge, each with a list of events they sought to add to the SA’s schedule. With only 52 days remaining in the semester as of Monday, SA President Kevin Clayton called the process “a chance for the SA to talk about things and focus on using time wisely.”

After about 20 minutes, Clayton finished guiding the group through each day and asking about specific events. All 52 remaining days were successfully filled, Clayton said after the meeting adjourned.

Although scheduling activities was part of the goal, Clayton also noted the process was a good exercise in punctuality and organization for the Council members who participated.

“It was less about adding events and more about using our time wisely,” Clayton said.

He also added that the project was a good way for the Council, and the SA as a whole, to ensure that important events are known about far enough in advance, and also to make sure “nothing gets lost.”

Prior to convening in the back of the room to form the calendar, the Council members formally addressed the outreach they performed that week, as per the recently passed Student Outreach Policy that requires members to reach out to five students per week and share student responses at weekly meetings.

Vice President Sonia Bennett stated the students that she talked with seemed to have a general knowledge of the SA and the student Senate, but some of them felt members were not effectively fulfilling their duties.

“Some of them felt (the SA) doesn’t do enough with their positions,” Bennett said, addressing other Council members at Monday’s meeting.

Vice President Jessica Rappaport noted she had a positive experience during her outreach, but added that she intends to switch up her strategy for next week in order to avoid talking with the same people each week. Instead of approaching students on Monday evenings in the Angell College Center, she said she will choose a new day so she has the chance to survey students on different schedules.

Clayton and Speaker Veronica Marchello tackled their student outreach together, teaming up to talk to six PSUC students. For the most part, they noted their feedback was positive, although Marchello noted one student with a “novel complaint” asked that the SA shuttles have their routes adjusted so they stop at Dunkin’ Donuts more often.

Although it was not addressed at Monday’s meeting, Clayton issued a campus-wide email urging students to fill out a survey regarding the dining services on the Plattsburgh campus. In his email, Clayton noted that dining was one of the main issues students brought up during his campaign and stressed the importance of the opportunity for students to provide feedback. The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and must be submitted by April 6.

Students who choose to participate in this voluntary survey become eligible for one of four $50 Cardinal Cash prizes being awarded. The survey is being conducted by an independent consultant, students’ identities will remain anonymous and the information will be used solely by the college.

Email Thomas Marble at

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