Monday, January 27, 2025

SA funds HOD modeling show, approves new club

By Hayden Sadler

The Student Association Senate approved several funding requests for multiple clubs and approved a club status request from the Environmental Club April 19.

The Environmental Club was at the meeting and requested provisional club status. The president, treasurer and secretary were all present and representing the club. The club has ties to the college’s Center for Earth and Environmental Science and aims to educate interested people about the environment as well as increase awareness of ongoing environmental issues. Meetings are held every other week in Hudson Hall. 

As a club, the group is considering trips related to the environment, referencing a potential trip to Lyon Mountain or Ausable Marsh. When asked about how their club differs from the Geology Club, the Environmental Club said that while the Geology Club is focused more on rocks and geology, the Environmental Club extends the discussion to living things as well. The Environmental Club’s request for provisional club status was granted with unanimous approval.

Angelina Briggs, treasurer of Black Onyx: the Black Student Union, represented the club in a request for $500 additional allocations. Additional funding would help cover the cost of hosting the club’s barbecue event today, April 28. The event would be an opportunity for the club to celebrate students and college culture as the semester winds down. Briggs said the club is prepared to cut costs where necessary. Senator Muscaan Patel asked whether the event could be rescheduled for the fall semester due to a lower budget, but the event is an annual tradition of Black Onyx. The request for funding was granted unanimously.

A representative from the club House of Divinity was in attendance as well, requesting $1,715 for its upcoming fashion show Saturday, May 6. The fashion show would showcase students from all backgrounds presented by HOD, the campus’ only modeling club. 

This event would also feature work from the club’s previously planned — but canceled due to a low budget — art gallery event. The request for funding was granted with one vote against. 

The Student Association also passed a bill and a resolution. This comes as the latest move in recognizing and honoring retiring college staff members. Both were granted unanimously. 

Finally, the Senate closed the meetings with the usual announcements.

Senators William Donlon, Munashe Chikukwa, Arshita Pandey, Dhruv Shah and Djeneba Sy all announced their attendance of the Holi event held April 16, which they praised. Additionally, Senator Celine Nwakeze announced an upcoming boba tea event April 30 in Hood Hall. Senator Sumeet Vishwakarma announced he had attended the National Association of Black Accountants’ Shark Tank event the day before, as well as been elected Vice President of the 61st Legislation of the Student Association.

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