Friday, February 14, 2025

SA discusses goals for upcoming semester

The Student Association Executive Council convened for their first meeting of the semester Monday night in order to discuss upcoming events and articulate goals for the upcoming semester.

Leading the Executive Council meeting, SA President Michael Kimmer expressed his optimism and excitement pertaining to the upcoming semester.

“It is a new semester and a new beginning, a fresh start. We have a lot we can accomplish this semester,” he said.

Kimmer’s positive message was mirrored by the rest of the Executive Council as the meeting progressed and the semester’s upcoming actives were discussed.

Vice President of Student Affairs Arin Cotel-Altman informed the council of motivational speaker Justin Faso’s upcoming October 18th visit to Plattsburgh State. Faso describes his presentation on his website as a lecture “where high energy, practical content, and humor collide.”

Faso’s last PSUC visit in 2013, where he met with fraternities, was well received.

Faso’s talks aim to “challenge students to identify or reconnect with their why (purpose) and to live it out now (passion) in order to achieve meaningful success. Learn how a clarifying blend of both can lead to more engaged students, impactful leaders, and ultimately thoughtful global citizens.”

Vice President of Activities Marcelo Chasipanta added to the list of upcoming campus events. He discussed the frisbee decorating table in the Angell College Center the following day, as well as the appearance of a chainsaw juggler who visited PSUC on Wednesday.

“This guy juggles everything,” Chasipanta said.

Vice President of Fine Arts Ashley Lester discussed the possibility of New York City based artist Dread Scott visiting PSUC.

Dread Scott is a politically charged African American artist whose art has been the topic of controversy since his work “What is the Proper Way to Display a U.S. Flag?” debuted in 1989.

This art installation was provoking enough to elicit a reaction from the then-president George H.W Bush, who deemed the art installation “disgraceful.” Since President Bush’s comment Scotts’ art has been everywhere from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, to the Pori Art Museum in Pori, Finland.

Kimmer then took his turn informing the Executive Council of his goals for the semester.

“One activity we’re really excited about is the Involvement Fair Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Warren Ballrooms. It’s a great forum for all the clubs to provide interested students with free giveaways, and enticing information.” Kimmer said, “It’s always great to see them coming together in the interest of a shared community, we are blessed with 94 clubs, with majority have tables.”

The overall tone set by the first meeting of the Student Association Executive Council was that of hopeful anticipation to achieve lasting legislation and to further organize and represent the student body to the fullest of their abilities.

“My primary goal this semester is recruiting students to get involved with the Student Association, we need to engage a fresh, young group of need students that will take an active role and encourage involvement within the student body.” Kimmer said, “Secondly getting all students excited to vote in the impending Presidential election is a central focus, we have the obligation to get them informed and registered.”

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