Sunday, March 9, 2025

SA budget updated

Katie Kallamni

The new budget upgrade to $1.2 million for the Student Association is set to enhance on-campus living with talks of reforms for on-campus dining. The prior budget was set at just over $1 million. The Student Association plans events, sponsors clubs and organizations, and advocates for students.

At the SA meeting on Sept. 15, Jacob Claypool was unanimously voted in as new chief justice. Claypool takes the position from past chief justice Dylan Spencer. 

Claypool said his main priority as chief justice “is to make sure that the senators, coordinators, president, vice president are held accountable for their job, make sure everyone is following the guidelines and to weigh in when there seems to be issues between members of the board.” 

Cases of impeachment are also brought to him for ruling. 

With the addition of two new sushi chefs in the Sundowner kitchen and the new variety of food, SUNY Plattsburgh hopes to better the dining experience for students. 

Coffee House in Burghy’s Lounge will be returning Sept. 29. Coffee House is looking to hire and for people to play live music or other forms of performance.

SA President Ahmed Metwaly and SA Vice President Kathleen Gill advocate for the students of SUNY Plattsburgh trying to get on campus dining hours extended. The SA board raised concerns with the loss of Subway, Kent not being open on the weekends, and Clinton’s and Sundowner’s limited hours. 

“[College Auxiliary Services] communication is very shotty to say the least,” Metwaly said. She said there have been instances of upcharging.

Metwaly and Gill’s main priority is to have a more open line of and communication with the College Auxiliary Services. Metwaly brought attention to their lack of communication stating how, “dropping people out of emails, I don’t want to say is intentional because I don’t know”, yet Gill chimes in how, “it keeps happening by accident.” Metwaly pointed out that he is supposed to be a VP on the board of directors for CAS, yet they are failing to communicate with him on many notions. However, in regards to concerns raised about CAS, Metwaly said he is trying his best, and he is not going to let it go so easily. Tim Hortons is now open until 6 p.m. 

The Street Jam Sept. 25 was unanimously financially approved with a budget of $350.  With Halloween around the corner, the SA plans to host a few Halloween-themed events, including a trip to Lake Placid, NY and Salem, MA. Both of these events are still being planned so more information on that will be mentioned later on.  

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