Friday, March 14, 2025

PSUC SA holds special election

The Plattsburgh State Student Association will be hosting a special election Monday for three positions, including representatives for academics, arts and human resources.

This election will implement the new voting system put together last semester by SA Senator Adam Saccardi.

Executive Vice President Kevin Clayton said although the SA hopes all those who join will be in it for the long haul, sometimes representatives resign for a number of reasons, school related or otherwise. when student senators resign, they must be replaced, and it must be done quickly and efficiently in a re-election.

To receive a position within the SA, either on the Executive Board as a vice president or on the Senate, students must have at least 50 signatures on a petition supporting their candidacy.

Any student who would like to run in the election will be required to fill out the proper forms and hand them in to the SA office located on the second floor of the Angell College Center in the William D. Laundry suite.

Once all interested students have handed in their forms to the SA, students will be able to vote online through the new voting service, called Balloteer.

The change was made for a few reasons and it was not a simple process. However, Balloter was created to make the election process easier.

Prior to Balloteer, the Student association used the Evote system that was too much work for a simple vote, according to Executive Vice President, Kevin Clayton.

Evote was created by Resnet and took a substantial amount of time during every new election process.

Clayton also said “Balloteer is a lot easier to set up and it gives us a lot more options”. He also gives much of the credit to the new and improved voting process to Adam Saccardi.

Some of the new features include allowing the candidate to give a brief biography of themselves as well as a picture.

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