Sunday, October 27, 2024

Pride parade celebration

This past Saturday was the Pride Parade, which celebrated the LGBTQ community. It was a special event that highlighted the importance of love and acceptance.

We, at Cardinal Points, support the LGBTQ community to love whoever they want no matter what gender their significant other may be. Gay marriage was legalized back in June of 2015. At the time, it was a major celebration because that meant 14 U.S. states at the time would lift their ban on gay marriage. Even though it was a major victory at the time, it seems like we’ve gone backwards in terms of equality and acceptance. We’ve had discrimination in several aspects shown through our current president. Isolating people and creating a divide is not the answer. America used to be a melting pot of different cultures that accepted people no matter race, gender or sexuality. It used to be an escape for those feeling judged or unaccepted in their community.

In times like now, where hate crime has been prevalent, it is essential that we proudly express love over hate. Love trumps hate in every capacity, and for those that celebrated the parade, thank you for participating in an event that shows that.

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