Monday, March 10, 2025

Plattsburgh, past to present

By Ella Stuttard


Current cardinal reflects on legacy status and who came before her


With the Homecoming and Family Weekend rolling around the corner, I thought of one very special lady. You might be thinking of Nancy Kress, an award winning science fiction author who graduated from Plattsburgh. However, I prefer Liz Bull, another Plattsburgh alumna, who is celebrating her 35th graduation anniversary, and also happens to be my aunt. 

I committed to Plattsburgh completely unaware of the fact that my aunt did the very same thing years ago. I learned about Plattsburgh through a friend, but little did I know, my aunt was actively trying to convince my cousins to follow in her footsteps. 

Bull majored in human service and now works as the senior grant accountant at Syracuse University. 

“I had such a great time,” Bull said, “I wish I paid a little more attention to school but the friends and the experiences I had were worth it.” 

Unlike my aunt, I decided to major in journalism despite my interest in English literature. Similarly, we both love people and helping others, which is why I was interested in journalism. 

The friends she made were one of the biggest factors for Bull. She was able to make long-lasting bonds over the five years she attended Plattsburgh. She continues to see and connect with her friends from Plattsburgh often. 

I’ve been very fortunate during my time at Plattsburgh. I’ve been able to meet and see many amazing people through my time on the cross country team. I get to actively see the connections my aunt talks about just through the cross country team and how they all remain so close. 

The only complaint she could muster out about Plattsburgh was distance away from home.  

“I could only go home for Christmas and Thanksgiving,” Bull said. 

She lived five hours away which was hard for a while. It wasn’t until she got a car her senior year when the distance became easier. 

One of the best qualities that I’ve noticed about Bull is her ability to care for other people. Plattsburgh offered Bull a lot of people to care about and she remains forever grateful for that. Hopefully I can live up to the legacy she left behind. 


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