Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Parking lots still closed this week

By Aleksandra Sidorova


A quarter of off-campus student parking spaces are still offline since a parking lot closed for upgrades in April.

Lots 27 and 28 spanning the space between Feinberg Library and Banks Hall — for off-campus and staff parking respectively — are closed off with no date for completion set in stone.

“We are anticipating that it won’t be far away,” wrote Bob Trombley, capital planning and construction manager, in an email response.

Instead, students and staff can park at Sibley Hall, where there are 342 parking spaces for anyone with a college-issued permit. The spaces are on the edge of the campus, next to Plattsburgh High School and a mile away from Hawkins Hall.

Last semester, there were 1,008 off-campus students with parking permits competing for 584 parking spaces, including Lot 27, according to parking manager Gail Recore.

The contractor, Luck Bros., had dug up and repaved the lots to have 15 more parking spaces, electric vehicle charging stations, new trees and light poles and a sidewalk to fit. Trombley wrote that the changes would improve traffic flow as well.

Once lots 27 and 28 are done, similar construction will move to lots 9 and 10 — staff and visitor parking at Kehoe Administration Building that has been closed since May 20.

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