Monday, March 3, 2025

Outreach coordinator chosen

Dinai Robertson has been selected as Plattsburgh State’s Violence Prevention Education and Outreach Coordinator, after the sudden resignation of PSUC’s former Health Education Outreach Coordinator Rhema Lewis.

Robertson’s job on campus is to provide information and education on interpersonal and sexual violence to students.

“I plan on having every identity on campus educated on what consent it, what Title IX is and who they protect, what resources there are on and off campus and what Title IX can do to protect someone if their rights aren’t upheld.” Robertson said.

Robertson, a PSUC alumna who graduated last May, said, “I’ll admit, when I first got to Plattsburgh, I really didn’t want to be here.”

Robertson said in the beginning of her undergraduate career, she would have done anything to go home, but it wasn’t until she decided to do some “soul-searching,” she enjoyed the environment. She said that finding hobbies related to a Gender and Women’s studies class is what helped her find what she was looking for.

Vice President of Student Affairs Bryan Hartman said he hopes Robertson’s presence helps change the culture pertaining to sexual violence, sexual harassment and raising awareness of how we look at this topic. Hartman also said that Robertson’s arrival to PSUC has elicited an update to the program.

Hartman said he would like to see Robertson “change us as an institution and then hopefully spill out the borders of our campus community.”

Robertson said one of the things she is most excited about with her new position is no longer being a student with dreams and ideas of actions she wished would be taken, but rather, having the resources and the ability to have the idea and see through with the actions to get them done.

Robertson is not only is the schools Violence Prevention Education and Outreach Coordinator. She has also assumed the role of “Safe Space”(PSUC’s LGBTQ Program) Director, and Director of “Step Up,” bystander intervention program and the faculty advisor for “No More,” a club for men against sexual violence and gender based violence.

“She’s hip and young,” said Health and Alcohol and Drug Educator Janis Krug.

Krug said Robertson is a good candidate for this job because her age and ambition, along with training, will help her connect with the students and strive to makes a change at the school.

“You’re not alone, we are here, I am here, the Title IX Coordinator is here,” Robertson said, “There are a lot of people here that want to give you support and resources, I believe in you.”

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