Saturday, March 15, 2025

No need to critique others

Starbucks. Chipotle. Billboard Top 20. UGGs. Kale. These are all considered “basic.” We term people with this word to categorize them as “normal” or “conforming to society.” When someone is considered basic, we as a society, put that person down with this word, which usually has a negative connotation. This word is used to put people down for liking the interests that they do making them feel as if they fit into a stereotype.

We try so hard to be original and steer away from what other people are doing. But if everyone is trying to be different, then aren’t we just conforming to being non-conformist?

If you enjoy getting an iced coffee from Starbucks, then don’t someone make you feel bad for liking a nice cold drink just because of its label attached to it. If you like wearing UGG boots, then keep on strutting them. The only way to stop the basic shaming is to embrace whatever it is that you enjoy. If you’re confident about what you like, then people will have a hard time shaming you if you exude a proud spirit toward your interests.

And if you’re not a fan of items or places considered “basic,” then don’t make insults towards the people that do. You wouldn’t like it if people made fun of your interests. Your interests define your personality, so imagine that feeling when someone insults something you like. It’s almost like taking a dig toward their personality.

We’re all different people. We have unique dynamics to our personalities. We shouldn’t compare ourselves to others because that just leads to judgement. A struggle in today’s society is acceptance, so let’s learn to accept people for who they are.

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