Saturday, March 8, 2025

Making the most of college

Freshman year can be scary.

Finding classes, getting lost and understanding how your meal plan works; that $8 voucher at 8 p.m. takes a minute to wrap your head around. And finding out you have 10 minutes to go from Sibley Hall to Hawkins Hall can be annoying.

It can be daunting to put yourself out there when you’re so used to having your high school friends and family as your comfort zone. The easy way out is to avoid all those new scary experiences. Instead of opening up to a new world, some people might remain closed off. And if you choose to do so, you are going to miss out on a lot.

College is a time to experiment and find your true voice. You have much more freedom. Some might not know what to do with it. Yes, it can be that scary because all you have as a security blanket is yourself. Instead of trying to cling onto your past, try embracing these new chapters in your life. The Student Association offers tons of free events and clubs on campus. Attend club meetings alone. Ask your lab partners if they’ve already grabbed food. Bring your roommate to the pond for a picnic. Just take a step outside your dorm, and take in all that is Plattsburgh.

It’s not the most glamorous place on earth, but it can be the most fun-filled adventurous next four years of your life if you cherish it. So freshman, welcome to Plattsburgh. We’re a group of writers that like having our voices heard, but we welcome yours too with open arms.

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