Monday, March 10, 2025

Let’s talk about Pi Alpha Nu

Since news broke about Plattsburgh State fraternity Pi Alpha Nu being suspended, there have been varying opinions and rumors surrounding the scandal. In Rebecca Natale’s news story, she stated that 21 students and one alum are facing criminal misdemeanor charges. We, at Cardinal Points, do not condone hazing in Greek life. While we do support Greek life on campus, the use of hazing stated in Natale’s article is disturbing. What this has shown is that people are willing to go to extreme measures to be a part of Greek life. While many are quick to judge, imagine wanting something so badly. Imagine being in someone’s shoes and saying to yourself, “Well, everybody else did this, so maybe I can.” Sometimes, students might feel trapped or scared to say something.

They might think this is all normal. People might be so desensitized from the use of hazing in films and television, but if you look at the reports stating pledges were assaulted with paddles and were thrown up on, don’t just be quick to say, “Well, that happens all the times in both sororities and fraternities.” This is a serious matter that could have led to someone being seriously hurt or injured. For those who are not a part of Greek life, don’t shut down all fraternities and sororities. Greek life has provided philanthropy events, student bonds and leadership skills for PSUC.

However, if you do see something, don’t be afraid to speak up. Our job at Cardinal Points is to allow student voices to be heard. You can contact if you ever feel unsafe on campus.

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