Sunday, February 23, 2025

Late-night snacking may cause fatigue

College students can sometimes develop weird eating habits. Trying to resist eating late at night can be extremely hard sometimes. Nocturnal munching could possibly be the culprit behind a lot of health issues such as weight gain and weight loss, fatigue, gastro problems and many more. If you are going to eat past 8 p.m., it would be wise to choose a healthy option.

Some college students eat late at night for many reasons. Some students have late classes and might not have time to eat during the day. Other students eat because they are bored and their snacks are right in front of them. Most freshmen are away from home for the first time and are accustomed to their parents cooking. They might not find the college dining hall food appetizing.

For students who live off campus, learning to cook might be a challenge. And some find it too expensive to go grocery shopping every week. All of these situations can lead to late night grubbing.

“I’m a late night eater because I am usually on campus all day, and I do not get home until around 10 p.m.,” Reggianie Francois, a senior double majoring in TV video production and journalism at Plattsburgh State, said.

Classes, organizations and clubs that run late could make it difficult for students to eat enough before going home. Certain eateries on campus may be closed by the time a person comes out of class, leaving them to find somewhere else to eat.

Eating late at night may be the only option for students who are very busy. In college, students are busy all day — in class, hanging out with friends, being a part of clubs or working at jobs or internships. Incorporating healthy foods at appropriate times of the day would be the last thing on a student’s mind.

The most common food selections for late night eating is junk food such as pizza, fast food, chips, candy and pastries, according to, an award-winning whole-life health and fitness magazine.

“Welch’s Fruit Snacks is my kryptonite,” Francois said. “It all depends on my mood.”

Alpha Barry, a junior majoring in psychology and minoring in African American studies at PSUC, said his snack of choice is either cereal or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
“I eat late at night on weekends more than the weekdays because after I come home from a turn up, I get really hungry,” Barry said.

Depending on the type of person you are, you may find yourself eating late at night.

Junk food is not the best choice for a late night bite because it may leave your body feeling sluggish or stressed. You may even end up getting sick — stomach aches and weight fluctuation for example. The later your body consumes food, the less time it has to prepare to sleep. This could mess up your memory and your efficiency for the next day, according to, a highly-engaged social network known for starting petitions.

Jeremy Rosario, a freshman majoring in physics at PSUC, said “When I eat late at night I can feel myself gaining weight. It tends to make me extra tired in the night.”

Eating late at night can sometimes get a bad reputation, but if that is your only option, don’t sweat it, as long as you are choosing healthy alternatives. Eating low-fat yogurt or a protein bar instead of a slice of pizza can be much more beneficial to your health. Limiting your night time meal to 100-200 calories can even limit your weight gain, according to an article from the New York Times.

“I always have a bottle of water with a piece of fruit or a nutrition bar,” Rosario said.

If you are in town late at night, instead of going to Pizza Bono’s for pizza, try trying one of their salads. Another option is going to Walmart that is open 24/7 and buying some healthy eating options.

Email Breyana Anderson at

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