Saturday, February 15, 2025

Issue 6 Sex and the SUNY

Sex and the SUNY collects stories about funny, gross, and just plain memorable juicy experiences on campus. If you want your story to be featured, submit it anonymously at!


My classmate was fingering his girlfriend in a morning class and all the students knew but the teacher didn’t notice. or at least i dont think she did.

Fucking to tangled is a lot better than fucking to frozen. the songs and soundtrack are so much better. but the best disney movie to have on in the back is Mulan.

Apparently sending a dick pic is the way to introduce yourself on grindr, i didnt know that and i was like wtf

I love squid game and i love hoyeon jung and how everyone is in love with her. but i really hope this doesnt lead to weird fetishization of korean/east asian ppl

do u guys eat during sex? I feel like it would kinda smell the place up. also give you really bad breath? idk just wondering bc some guy told me he had pizza during sex and i was so confused

Two nights ago I encountered a couple making out while walking on the river trail at like 1 am…they invited me to do a threesome with them. I was hesitant at first but then agreed. It was amazing but weird. Weirdest night of the semester so far lol

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