Saturday, March 8, 2025

Issue 12 Horoscopes

By Sydney Hakes

Aries: Taking practical action to bring a dream of yours to life should reward you today. Once you get going, a financial component of the situation may seem less prohibitive than you thought. Your steady attention to detail can alert you to possibilities that are potentially hiding in plain sight. 


Taurus: An organization you’re involved with could seem frustratingly unfocused today. Though you’ll probably need to acknowledge the group’s good intentions, you might also be able to express yourself well enough to talk some sense into them.


Gemini: You may be very idealistic about your career or another major goal at this time. If a family member pushes back against what you’re proposing, look within to see whether or not they have a point. You might feel defensive because you secretly know there’s something to their criticism.


Cancer: A wild fantasy of travel might be tickling your thoughts at this time. However crazy it sounds, try talking to your friends about it. They may actually be able to make it happen, as you can accomplish more with a group than by yourself right now.


Leo: Making realistic plans could be hard for you at this time, as it might be easy to see investments or other somewhat unstable sources of money in a more optimistic light than they truly deserve. Focus on what you can get from more predictable sources of income.


Virgo: You may be frustrated that someone else in your life doesn’t seem to be grounded in reality now. As difficult as you might find this, try to get out of their way and let their plan succeed or fail on its own. Inserting yourself into their drama is likely to result in you being blamed for whatever goes wrong.


Libra: Pushing yourself too hard at work can lead to burnout now, but you might have to reach that point to get insight on what specifically needs to change. You probably need to reconfigure things with others who are involved to share responsibilities more fairly.


Scorpio: You might be drawn to someone who seems more put together than you are, but letting them completely take your reins is not good for either of you. Know what kind of advice you want before you seek it, and know when to stop.


Sagittarius: Home life could frustrate you now, as it might seem like there’s not always a predictable relationship between the actions you take and the results you get. Your true priorities will likely be revealed by the outcome of your efforts, so let any surprises on that front guide your next steps and future goals.


Capricorn: Unclear communication could be a problem for you today. Whether you’re mishearing others or you feel like they don’t understand you, a volatile emotional attachment to your beliefs might be a big part of the problem. Remember self awareness in these circumstances.


Aquarius: Someone you share resources with could block your grand idea to make a lot of money today. While you might think they’re focused on details that don’t really matter, perhaps the important part you’re overlooking is their concern for security. Make yourself a safe person for them to approach.


Pisces: Making an intentional effort to focus on rational, clear communication is vital today. You might find it easy to go off on someone else who seems to be unnecessarily critical of you for every little petty thing. Use communication to discern the best course of action.

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