Monday, February 17, 2025

Greek life gives back to Plattsburgh


By Nadia Paschal


  From the outside looking in, many do not understand the appeal of Greek life, and joining a fraternity or sorority. However, those who are a part of these organizations feel a deep sense of pride not only in their brotherhood or sisterhood, but in the work they do for the community as well. Despite SUNY Plattsburgh being a smaller campus, the impact the members here have is immense.


Members of Delta Sigma Phi, a fraternity here on campus, show a deep passion regarding the work that they involve themselves in and the community service events they have attended.


Zawad Khan, the current president of Delta Sigma Phi recognizes the stigma that Greek life has, but wants to prove that there is power in numbers. He pushes his whole organization to be a force for good.


Khan served as a part of the welcoming committee for Night to Shine, which is an event hosted for those with disabilities or special needs. 


It allows those attending to experience prom in a safe and welcoming environment. Impacted by the event, he described it as “beautiful” and a “great example of what we can do if we were more involved with our community outside of the school”.


By stepping off campus and out of their personal bubbles, students who volunteer are not only able to serve their community, but learn about Plattsburgh and its residents.


Oscar Lagua, another brother of Delta Sigma Phi, shared how he witnessed the community be very involved in events such as the battle of Plattsburgh. He recognizes that if he was not a part of Greek life, he would not be working as closely with the community, and realize everything that goes on around him. 


“Our help is needed, not just as Greek life but as individuals specifically,” Lagua said.


This passion for giving back is not contained to the brothers of Delta Sigma Phi. Julianna Close, a member of Theta Alpha Lambda also gave some insight into how she and her sisters give back to the community. Theta Alpha Lambda’s philanthropy and charity they work with is Behavioral Services North, which is a local organization that deals with stopping domestic and sexual violence. Close and her sisters not only donate money to the cause, but their time as well, by setting up events for the center as well as attending them.


One event that had an immense impact on Close was a candlelight vigil held on campus by BHSN a few semesters ago. 


“It was super touching and really allowed myself to realize how we can help survivors and all the work they do for things like that” Close said.


To Close, the work she does feels rewarding and fun. 


“We’re college kids here but we do try our best to connect and show the community we are more than happy to be a part of the town,” she said.


These students, as well as many others like them, serve as a testament to the kinds of students this campus has to offer. Their dedication for the community and their peers shine through each time they take these moments out of their day to service and uplift others.

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