Sunday, October 27, 2024

‘Gaypril’ brings drag show

The superhero and supervillain-themed LGBTQ Student Union Drag Show will be held April 27, at 7 p.m. in the Angell College Center Warren Ballrooms.

PSUC senior political science major and treasurer of the LGBTQ Student Union Famous Tillman said they typically get a troupe of performers in the area to perform a themed show at PSUC.

“Personally, I’m really into comics, but we just decided that we wanted to do contemporary themes that are relevant to the time period,” he said.

“This year, there’s a ton of superhero movies out, so it’s popular in our culture.”

Sophomore English major Donald Dowen has been said a lot of preparation goes into each show.

He said before the show, he has to practice the songs and know every word to each number.

On each show day, he said it takes about two and a half to three hours to do his makeup and about a half an hour to be fully dressed from hair to heels.

Dowen said he knows people don’t always stick to the show’s theme, but this year, people were embracing the heroes and villains aspect.

“I can say that I’m not just sticking in the realm of just superheros. I’m kind of looking at things at an artistic approach like looking into specific songs,” he said.

Dowen said he’s doing a number from the Oscar-winning movie “Dreamgirls” “And I’m Telling You I’m Not Going.” He said he’s not sure what the other two numbers are going to be.

He said the interaction with the audience is one of the best parts of the show. He said it’s fun to try to engage the audience so they’re also a part of the show.

“This year’s show has one of the best, if not, best lineups to ever be put into these shows,” Dowen said. “If you only ever go to one drag show, this is going be the one to go to.”

Haus of Misfits, a group of drag queens based primarily in Vermont and New York that started their tour in May 2015, will be performing, alongside PSUC students who wish to be in the show.
There will be a total of 10 performers, including both local and student performers.

“It’s a lot of dancing and singing. You can expect a couple dead drops and maybe some backflips,” Tillman said.

Nick Kelley, a PSUC event planner and Safe Space project assistant at PSUC Center for Student Involvement, said the event is all a part of “Gaypril.”

Kelley said even though national pride month is in June, many campuses celebrate pride month in April.

So far, the LGBTQ Student Union has teamed up with fraternity and sorority life for Party with Consent, which examined sexual assault on campuses.

The other event was on April 19, where comedian Julie Goldman, a self-described “Jewish lesbian,” performed a stand-up comedy show in the Warren Ballrooms.

“In addition to the actual events being a lot of fun, the SUNY Plattsburgh community supports the members of the community that identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, intersex, assexual —anything that falls under the queer rainbow,” Kelley said.

Tillman agreed that it’s a safe space for those who are involved in the queer community but also encourages everyone to attend the event.

“I think a lot of students, especially the ones that aren’t in the queer community, will really gain insight into drag culture and queer culture as a whole,” Kelley said.

Kelley said the community will remain active in helping out the LGBTQ initiatives on campus and that Safe Space is open to everyone. He said they had a good turnout last year and hope to have a growing audience this year. The event is free and will have light refreshments and a rainbow cake.

“So if you have anything superhero themed or supervillain themed, go ahead and put it on and bring your friends,” Kelley said.

Email Kavita Singh at

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